All Devotional
8 Jul 2020, 5:00 am Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
॥ श्रीशिवपञ्चाक्षरस्तोत्रम् ॥नागेन्द्रहाराय ... ...(read more)
7 Jul 2020, 6:18 pm Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
श्रावण मास में भगवान शिव को बिल्व पत्र से पूजा करते ये पाठ करना ... ...(read more)
7 Jul 2020, 3:41 pm Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
दोहा : श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।बरनऊं रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो ... ...(read more)
7 Jul 2020, 6:24 am Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
दारिद्रय दहन स्तोत्र, होगी स्थिर लक्ष्मी की प्राप्तिश्रावण मास में भगवान ... ...(read more)
7 Jul 2020, 6:01 am Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
* त्वरित फलदायी शिव रूद्राष्टकम्‌ पाठकोई भी साधक यदि भगवान शिव ... ...(read more)
7 Jul 2020, 4:32 am Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
जटाटवीगलज्जल प्रवाहपावितस्थलेगलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां ... ...(read more)
6 Jul 2020, 4:55 pm Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
जय शिव ओंकारा ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा ।ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदा शिव अर्द्धांगी धारा ॥ ॐ ... ...(read more)
3 Dec 2017, 10:26 am Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
Dattatreya was a mythological deity or sage. He was said to be an avadhoot, or complete renunciate, wandering naked in the world. He is usually represented with 3 heads as he is also ... ...(read more)
20 May 2017, 5:41 am Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
Karma is the law of cause and effect – an unbreakable law of the cosmos. Your actions create your future. The reason your fate is never sealed is because you have free will. Therefore your ... ...(read more)
17 May 2017, 5:44 pm Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
The Unconscious StateThe top curve denotes the state of deep sleep. This is where the sleeper is subconsciously shutdown, desiring nothing and having no dreams.The Waking StateRepresented by the ... ...(read more)
17 May 2017, 3:23 pm Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
The Vedas are considered the earliest literary record of Indo-Aryan civilization and the most sacred books of India. They are the original scriptures of Hindu teachings, containing spiritual ... ...(read more)
11 May 2017, 3:55 pm Devotional Sarvagna Mehta
Silence has a certain energy to it like no other energy source. It has the power to get people to think and to act, it can help slow the mind down, and it is a powerful ally in the likes of ... ...(read more)