Emergence of twelve Jyotirlings
19 Jan 2018, 12:40 pm Mythological Dhweep Bhatt 867
Somnath Jyotirlinga (prabhas-patan, saurastra : Gujarat):
Among twelve Jyotirlinga, there comes the Somnath first.
Prajapati Daksh had done marriage of his 27 daughter with the Chandrama (the moon). But the Chandrama liked Rohini most. Daksh persuade not to do injustice,but he didn't mind. Again Daksh said,but there was no effect on his behaviour. Daksh cursed to get the Kshay-rog (the tuberculosis). The Chandrama suffered within few minutes. There rose uproar in all three lokas. The lord Brahma advised to do the worship of lord Shiva, by doing anushthan of Maha-mrutyunjay mantra, by establishing a Shiv-linga in front, at very holy prabhas-kshetra. Brahma advised these to all devas and munies came for removal of the curse and said to say the the Chandrama these. The Chandrama done the penance till six months. Being glad, the lord Shiva said him that he would get loss in month's Krishna-paksh and would grow in month's Shukla-paksh. By that time, lord Shiva have been known as Someshwar or Somnath.

Mallikarjun Jyotirlinga (Srisailam : Andhra-Pradesh):
Second Jyotirlinga among the twelve.
It was taken declaration about marriage by the lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati for shree Ganesha and shree Kartikeya. And the condition was to make circumambulation the world. When kumar Kartikeya returned, it was being planned about shree Ganesha's marriage. Shree Narad muni poisoned the ear of Kumar. He felt sad and went to the Kraunch Mountain. Mother Parvati became sad. Lord Shiva convince not to be sad or fear about son. But she didn't mind them. Lord Shiva sent the Devarshies, genius Saint and Devas to receive Kumar. All prayed Kumar but he, was peeved, didn't mind them. All explained this to  lord Shiva. Now,lord shiva and Parvati went to him to receive. But he was stuck to him and went to another place three yojane far. Lord shiva and Parvati had lot of love to Kumar, that's why on that particular day they were going there to meet him. And on amawasya alone Lord Shiva and on Purnima alone goddess Parvati were going. For that time, it became famous Jyotirlinga named Mallikarjun in all three lokas.

Mahakal Jyotirlinga (Ujjain : Madhya-Pradesh):
Mahakal Jyotirlinga is famous as third one.
In very Holi and favourite of Lord Shiva, the Ujjain Nagri there was living a Brahmin named Vedpriya. He was stucked to religion and anushthan of Vedic Karma. Daily comma he was doing agnihotra and Lord Shiva's workship by making Parthiv Linga. He had four sons, devotees of Lord Shiva. For that Ujjain Nagri was filled up with Brahma Tej. At that time, the giant named Dushan had gotten the boon from Lord Brahma and had became proudy and also had destroyed Veda religions and Smriti. Calling his four great Giants, he attacked Ujjain Nagri. Brahmins didn't got fear but people did. They said brahmins. When the attack become wide all the four sons worshipped Shivlinga. And meditate the Lord Shiva. At that time the Dusan came in front of them and wished to kill them. Suddenly, at the place of parthiva Linga, with large sound there emerged one crater. and suddenly there emerged one dangerous looking Lord Shiva. They became famous as Mahakal and killed all Giants with army. This Lord Shiva became famous as Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga.

Omkareshwar-Mamleshwar Jyotirlinga (Omkareshwar : Madhya-Pradesh):
Among twelve Omkareshwar is known as fourth one.
Once worshipping Lord Shiva named Gokarna Narad Muni goes to Vindhyachal. Worshipping Narad Muni Vindhyachal said," I have all type of Glory. No shortage about anything. I am very happy." Narad Muni replied that matter is of your height. The Maru is very higher than you. And it have part in Devas. Hearing that, Vin shy a chat felt sad. And started to hate own life. Then to fulfill own desire, deciding to do the penance(tap), went to Lord Shiva's feet. By his penance, Lord Shiva felt glad and show him own form. And asked for blessing. Vindhyachal said," Give me best intelligence to fulfill my want." Lord Shiva understood by this that the Vindhyachal wanting this to make sad other. So, I give search type of blessings so that no one would be sad point Lord Shiva, thinking that, said," do whatever you want to do."At that time,Devas and Saints,coming there, worshipped lord Shiva and prayed to live there. Glad lord Shiva agreed. There was one linga of Omkar became in two form. One remain in pranav omkar and another stayed as Sadashiv, named Omkar.

Kedareshwar  Jyotirlinga (Kedarnath : Uttarakhand):
Kedareshwar comes at fifth position among twelve Jyotirlinga.
Lord Vishnu had two Avatar named Nar and Narayan were doing penance (tap) at badrikashram. They done many worships for Pujan of Parth Linga. Wanting favour of devotee always, Lord Shiva were coming in the Parthiv Linga. In these way they spent a long time. Becoming glad Lord Shiva asked for blessings. Ponting favour of people, they said to remain there. According to the want of both, Lord Shiva happily remain there in form of Jyotirlinga with name Kedareshwar Jyotirlinga.

Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga (Puna : Maharashtra):
The sixth one is Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga.
In olden days there living the giant named 'Bhim'. Giantess Karkati had him by the Kumbhkarna. When he asked his mother about his father, she said," your father was the Kumbhakarna. He was brother of he was brother of the Ravan. Shree Ram( Avatar of Lord Vishnu) killed him during battle. Once the Kumbhkarna came here,used me and go to the lanka. My father and mother were Karkat and Pushkasi, burnt by one saint. Shree Ram head also killed my husband Viradh. So, without any support, I, alone living with you." Hearing that Bhim became angry. And thought about hurting lord Vishnu. For that he penance of Lord Brahma for one thousand years. And asked for incomparable strength to glad Brahma. By that blessing, he won all Devas and Vishnu,too. When he go to the Kamru country to win the king, the devotee of Lord Shiva, he and his queen started Shiva worship by Parthiv method. Because of that, glad Shiva, coming there, started protecting them secretly. When, the giant coming there tried to attack by sword(talwaar) , suddenly Lord Shiva broke down his sword. Beam joint with his Army burnt and became ash. Lord Shiva remained there became famous as Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga.

Kashivishwanath Jyotirlinga (Varanasi, Kasi : Uttar-Pradesh):
Seventh Jyotirlinga is Kashivishwanath.
God Shiva said that this Kashi Nagari (Avimukt Kashi-kshetra) always mine secret place and here I have been established in form of Jyotirlinga. It's aim is of freedom of the soul. The Lord Shiva have said that,"Who knows glory of me or who is  my devotee (the soul) would definitely get freedom(moksha). For them, there is no need of any Tirth, worship, jaap or meditation. In this very holy place comma all caste and all Ashram are people who get death , get freedom. Same is for females.Either she is holy or not, maid or married, either she is barren woman(vandhya), menstruous(rajswala) or pregnant, dies here,get freedom. Any human, however wicked get freedom by getting death here. Amorous(vishayi) and Godless(nastik) human did also not fall in the bonding of world after getting death here. Which devotee, with holi feelings, takes bath in the Gangs in the Kashi, his/her done and stored karmas get loss. who have gotten death in these kashi-kshetra doesn't get another birth. It's very holy Glory, the lod grammar etc. Devas doesn't know that's why it is called Avimukt. As cream of religion is truth, Kashi is of all Tirth.

Tryambakeshwar Jyotirlinga (Nashik : Maharashtra):
This Jyotirlinga is defined as eighth.
Saint Gautam with his wife started worship of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva became glad and emerged with their army(Gan). At the asking of blessing by Lord Shiva, the Gotham asked for making sinless him. Lord Shiva said that," you are already sinless." Saint Gautam asked to bring the Ganga, and stucked to their feet and worshipped them. At that time there emerged the Ganga-jal in form of lady. Worshipping her saint Gautam said her to make him holy. Hearing it, Lord Shiva ordered her. The Ganga said,"Oh God! Making the saint holy with family, I would go back." Lord Shiva ordered to live her at that place till it is Kali-yug. That Ganga became famous as the Gomti and Lord Shiva as Tryambakeshwar.

Vaidhyanath Jyotirlinga (Deoghar : Jharkhand):
Among twelve, these Jyotirlinga is ninth.
Best in Giants and proudy Ravan done penance(tap) of Lord Shiva on the Kailash. He make one pit in forest at right side of the Himalaya mountain. Establishing the fire, near that Lord Shiva, started to do the havan. He sat among fire in summer, on the open land in monsoon and in cold water in winter. Then he started to give up his head one by one. Nine head gone, one remained, then Lord Shiva emerged, becoming glad. He set up all nine head and asked for worship and give him best strength. Ra One wished to bring them to the Lanka. Worried Lord Shiva denied but offered Linga and conditioned, where it would be laid on land, it will remain there. In the way, because of lord Shiva's plan, he wished for toilet. He found one cowman and said him to carry that Linga. But because of overload he put it there. It become steady. Ravan came and tried but can't. That Shiva Linga is known as Vaidhyanath.

Nageshwar Jyotirlinga (Darukavan):
This is the tenth Jyotirlinga.
There was one by Vaishya, devotee of Lord Shiva named Supriya. He was doing worship of Lord shiva and had taught Shiv-mantra and Parthiv worship to many people. All were doing Meditation by mantra "Om Namah Shivay". The message of servant, the king of Giants named Daruk came at home of this Vaishya. Vaishya feared of killing, that's why he started worship. Hearing that, from the cavity in land, with temple of four doors, Lord Shiva emerged. In centre of that temple, there was form of Lord Shiva. Vaishya became glad and worshipped. Becoming glad Lord Shiva gave Pashupatastra(one type of weapon). By that he killed giant's army. Thus protecting own devotee, Lord Shiva gave blessing to forest to remain religion always to remain Munies always. There were living Giants. There was giantess Daruka, who was devotee of Goddess Parvati, said worshipping, to protect her family( family-tree). Goddess Parvati agreed. And Lord Shiva Parvati had to remain there. They became form of Jyotirlinga and known as Nageshwar Jyotirlinga.
(There is still confusion about its location. Some says it is near Dwarka,Gujarat ; Some says that it's in district Hingoli,Maharashtra ; Some says that it's in district Almora,Uttarakhand)

Rameshwar Jyotirlinga (Rameshwar : Tamilnadu):
The eleventh Jyotirlinga is Rameshwar.
While going to the lanka, Shree Ram with Laxman, Hanuman, sugriv, very strong monkeys and eighteen padma monkey-army, came at south coast of ocean. Ocean was salty. Shree Ram thirsted and asked lakshmana to say the monkeys to bring water. Devotee of Lord Shiva, Shree Ram started to drink water and remembered that he has not worshipped the Lord Shiva. Drinking water, he worshipped Lord shiva and requested to help in crossing the ocean and in winning the Ravan. Hearing Shri Ram Lord Shiva emerged with family in form of the flame. Shree Ramchandra happily worshipped Lord shivawished and  for winning against the Ravan in the battle. Lord Shiva blessed for becoming winner always. and stayed in form of Linga, is famous as the Rameshwar Jyotirlinga.

Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga (Ellora,Aurangabad : Maharashtra):
Grishneshwar is twelfth Jyotirlinga.
The Brahmin named Sukarma was living with his wife Sudeha, had no child. On force of his wife he married to his wife's sister Dhushma, who was a great devotee of Lord Shiva. They get one child. Because of jealousy, Sudeha killed Dhushma's son and through in the lake by cutting in small pieces, where Dhushma was dissolving Shiva-Linga daily. She was knowing the glory of Lord Shiva, didn't hesitate. She left all matter on Lord Shiva. Uttering names of Lord Shiva, she went to the lake to dissolve the Parthiv Shiva-Linga. She saw her son sitting on the Shore. The son said that he was died, but by the effect of your Punya and blessings of Lord Shiva, have gotten life again. She felt that becoming glad, Lord Shiva have given the life again to her son. At that time Dhushma said to emerged Lord Shiva to live there with her name. That Jyotirlinga is known as Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga.

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